Prince Kejaja Riruako's family present Canadian citizenship at the ceremony in Canada. Kejaja Riruako,with fiance and 3 sons. ...

Namibian citizens are able to apply for a Work Visa or Study Visa to Canada through the Canadian Consulate in Windhoek, Namibia. Successful applicants can migrate and work in Canada permanently or temporarily. This Canadian Work Visa is suitable for individuals who have the qualifications, skills or experiences to fill Canada's skill shortages and live permanently in Canada like Mr. Riruako.
Why Canadian Citizenship matter?
There are many reasons as to why one should apply for Canadian citizenship because citizenship gives you many privileges which are not available to those who hold permanent residence status. Some of these privileges include being able to vote, participate in governmental programs, continue getting social benefits, involve in politics, you can travel easily worldwide since Canadian passport is ranked as one of the most powerful in the world in Top-5 parallel with US, Ireland and Switzerland. You can get consular support in the matter of a second while even abroad and you are eligible to work in United State, European Union (EU) and other parts of the world; your children born in Canada become Canadians automatically without having to go through the same process as you did.
Who Can Apply For Canadian Citizenship?
In 2011 Namibia was listed as the third largest source of people who seeking refugee protection status in Canada following the Caprivian conflict in August 1999 and then many students started flocking there looking for green pasture. However, the Namibian government requested Canadian authority to revoke the refugee protection status in order to curb young people going to Canada on quick-track, supporting that the country is free and there is no political conflict in Namibia. As of January 2010, all the Namibian citizens had visa-free or visa on arrival access to Canada, but today thing has changed, Canadian authority in the collaboration with SADC countries mainly Namibian Botswana and Swaziland have changed the visa requirements include visa-free for Namibia, apparently due to some concerns of human trafficking of minors and fraudulent travel documents.
To be eligible to apply for Canadian citizenship you must meet the following requirements which include age, hold permanent resident status, this depends to the time you have already lived in Canada which the verification obtained from income tax filing, language assimilation and how well you know Canada culture. You should have at least be 18 years of age or older to be able to apply for Canadian citizenship. If you are under the age of 18, you can only apply through your parent, adoptive parent or legal guardian.
Language: In order to apply for citizenship, you must have adequate knowledge of English or French. English and French most spoken in (Quebec) are Canada’s two official languages and in order to apply, you need to be able to follow simple instructions, directions, able to participate in simple conversations, able to express yourself using common words and phrases in any of the two. So if you are between 14 to 64 years of age when submitting your application for citizenship you have provided supporting documents to prove you can speak and listen in English or French. The immigration officer may also conduct an interview to see how well you understand and speak English or French. The final decision is made by the immigration officer.
The success story of the Canadian immigration system has its roots in this context. Throughout the 18th and 19th centuries, it asserted efforts to assimilate indigenous peoples, Over the years, Canada’s approach to immigration and integration has evolved to reflect shifting needs and considerations, as well as the increasing diversity in the foreign-born population. This article explores this approach, the unique result of a convergence of historical, geographical, political, and cultural factors. Following the selection process, which itself plays a key integration role, Canadian immigrant integration benefits from three sets of policies with distinct functions: helping immigrants settle through language and workforce training and other services, thus encouraging the expatriates and displaced people to find a place to call home. There are programs supporting newcomers with full assimilation into the societies through multiculturalism and related policies.
Canada is often held up as a model for humanity (after Scadanavian) and how to craft a sound immigration policy in a multicultural democracy. In every five Canadian residents, there is a foreign-born. In 2016, Canada was home to 7.5 million immigrants, which is the largest foreign-born populations in the world. Majority of them are from Africa and Asia. The economic and knowledge consideration have largely driven Canada’s policy to prefer highly skilled immigrant workers.