IMF Managing Director Christine Lagarde holds News Conference on World Economy. The International Monetary Fund (IMF) projects conc...
Geremia Palomba, who led the IMF team, said growth would gradually recover. “After years of robust growth, the economy has entered a recession phase...IMF staff anticipates that the economy will recover gradually,” Palomba said in a statement He said growth would strengthen at a long-term rate of about 3 percent, but gave no specific time frame. He added that growth would be below the average recorded in recent years, held back by low productivity growth and stagnant competitiveness.
Namibia’s GDP has averaged 4.29 percent since independence in 1990, Palomba added that the downside risks to the IMF’s outlook included lower-than-expected revenue from the Southern Africa Customs Union (SACU), slower growth recovery, and fiscal slippage.
Both IMF and World Bank really don't care with human suffering nor either share solidarity towards African countries, what they care is the country to repay back the debt, no matter in which way. The Austerity Measures is a political-economic tool for coercing world governments to reduce budget deficits through spending cuts, tax increases, privatization state economy in the hands of foreigners (investors) in order to pay the debts. But at the end, it is the government that loses all.