Advanced HUMINT-CI Tradecraft (Reserves) - Science Techniz

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Advanced HUMINT-CI Tradecraft (Reserves)

          Intelligence is the key for Operations Support, Analysis, Management and Acquisition. The classified HUMINT-CI tradecraft Course (...

          Intelligence is the key for Operations Support, Analysis, Management and Acquisition.

The classified HUMINT-CI tradecraft Course (Reserves) is a hybrid course that combines HUMINT and counterintelligence concepts, procedures and practices into a single course. The course is designed for certified military HUMINT and counterintelligence specialists with operational field experience. This is a skill enhancement course. The course addresses and responds to operational challenges and pitfalls and introduces students to advanced HUMINT-CI practices, such as asset validation (AV)/risk management (and associated operational tradecraft), and operational reporting. The course is classified SECRET/NOFORN in its entirety.
The main course components are as follows:
  • The Asset Validation segment provides an overview of the Asset Validation System and delves into the practical techniques and challenges of vetting HUMINT sources. The course teaches students to develop vetting strategies; identify and use available vetting tools; develop, construct, and implement operational testing and ways to apply vetting and ops testing in different operational situations. Students will gain an understanding of how vetting is used across the intelligence enterprise; learn practical applications of AV tools under a broad array of circumstances; learn the differences in applications of vetting and validation within the intelligence enterprise; learn portable vetting skills that can be used in a multitude of HUMINT environments; and develop effective interagency communication skills in regard to vetting and asset validation. The course mixes instruction with practical exercises. 
  • This segment is derived from DynCorp an international’s industry-leading firm that have the capability and with proven performance to rapidly deliver complete security solutions in support of defense, diplomacy, and international development anywhere in the world.
  • Operational reporting. The ability to document operational observations, vetting measures, counterintelligence indicators, and other complex intelligence issues is a skill often missing among even the most experienced intelligence operators and counterintelligence agents. The operational reporting component is designed to enhance students’ ability to write clear, concise and lucid intelligence reports, incorporating operational lessons learned in the asset validation segment. (It is not a report writing format course.) The operational reporting segment is designed for students to clearly communicate operationally relevant events and issues, while incorporating critical thinking skills developed during the Asset Validation course component.
Application: This course is designed for the following occupations: Source handlers and debriefers; counterintelligence agents supporting HUMINT missions; HUMINT operations supervisors (e.g., G2X); and intelligence analysts supporting HUMINT missions. Approximately 50 percent of the course involves practical exercises (individual and team). The course culminates in a classified final exam.

Instructors: The course instructors, both retired case officers (DoD and CIA), have a combined total of approximately 45 years of operational and supervisory tradecraft experience and 20 years of tradecraft instruction experience. They have served in Europe, Africa, South America and Asia. The course is available at DynCorp International’s secure training center in McLean, VA or as an MTT anywhere.

  • COLL599: This course will help students succeed in the APUS classroom environment. It introduces the student to the Sakai learning management system. APA citation style will also be reviewed as well as current policies on plagiarism and how to avoid it. Last, classroom expectations will be covered. This course is not for credit towards any program requirements and registration should be only for those students enrolled in a Graduate Learning Tracks Program.
  • INTL501: Strategic Intelligence, this course examines the current structure, function, capabilities, and contributions of and individual and intelligence community members. Students appraise the intelligence cycle by an overview of the intelligence planning, collection, exploitation, analysis, production, and dissemination phases. The course also evaluates the intelligence oversight system, the restrictions on national intelligence community activities prescribed by federal law, executive and agency directives.
  • INTL502: This course is a study of intelligence overt-covert collection and information gathering. It focuses on a variety of aspects related to how both the operatives and foreign agents gather and process intelligence. The student will develop a comprehensive understanding of the role collection plays in the intelligence community, how various policies affect collection, and how different intelligence agencies monitor and collect intelligence.
  • INTL610: The course focuses on both domestic and foreign aspects of counterintelligence, including the history evolution and modern tradecraft of counterintelligence, the differences between passive and active CI measures, principles and processes of counterintelligence and its relationship to covert action, the ethics of counterintelligence, and the evaluation of CI successes and an estimate of the damage caused by failures. The student will develop a comprehensive knowledge of the use and practices of counterintelligence, especially in protecting homeland security and national security interests against foreign adversaries. Additionally, the collection process and the changes for the future in the infusion of CI technology will be discussed.
For further information, please contact Cliff Ruggles at