Infowars Host Interrupts Impeachment Hearing - Science Techniz

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Infowars Host Interrupts Impeachment Hearing

Owen Shroyer, an Infowars host, disrupts the proceedings before the House Judiciary Committee on Capitol Hill on 9 December  2019. Drew An...

Owen Shroyer, an Infowars host, disrupts the proceedings before the House Judiciary Committee on Capitol Hill on 9 December  2019. Drew Angerer / Getty Images.
An Infowars host interrupted the opening minutes of the House Judiciary Committee's impeachment hearing on Monday, accusing Chairman Jerry Nadler and other Democrats of committing "treason" while declaring President Trump innocent. The protester, Owen Shroyer, began shouting just seconds after Nadler gaveled in the hearing and posted live video of the interruption to his Twitter feed. "Jerry Nadler and the Democrat party are committing treason against this country, and you can kick me out, but he's the one committing crimes. You are, Jerry Nadler," Shroyer shouted. "You're the one committing treason. America is done with this."
Shroyer continued shouting as he was escorted out of the hearing room by Capitol Police.
"We voted for Donald Trump, and they're simply removing him because they don't like him," he yelled, adding that Mr. Trump is "innocent." Shroyer continued filming as he spoke with officers outside the hearing room and told Capitol Police he was not violent. "If you want a comment, I think it's ironic I'm the one being hauled out of here when the Democrats are the ones committing the crimes," he told the police.

Shroyer then left the Longworth House Office Building, where the hearing is being held, and described the demonstration to police as his "patriotic duty." Shroyer is the host of "The War Room" on Infowars, the fringe outlet that traffics in right-wing conspiracy theories. The House Judiciary Committee is meeting Monday to hear presentations from Republican and Democratic staff attorneys with the Intelligence and Judiciary Committees. The hearing is the first since House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, a Democrat from California, called the committee chairmen to begin drafting articles of impeachment.