The best Applications for Quantum Computing technology / In a different corner of the social media universe, someone left comments on a...
The best Applications for Quantum Computing technology / |
Computers and Smartphones
At the bottom, the entire computer industry is built on quantum mechanics. Modern semiconductor-based electronics rely on the band structure of solid objects. This is fundamentally a quantum phenomenon, depending on the wave nature of electrons, and because we understand that wave nature, we can manipulate the electrical properties of silicon.
Stacking up layers of silicon doped with different elements allows us to make transistors on the nanometer scale. Millions of these packed together in a single block of material make the computer chips that power all the technological gadgets that are so central to modern life. Desktops, laptops, tablets, smartphones, even small household appliances and kids' toys are driven by computer chips that simply would not be possible to make without our modern understanding of quantum physics.
Lasers and Telecommunications
Unless my grumpy correspondent was posting from the exact server hosting the comment files (which would be really creepy), odds are very good that comment took a path to me that also relies on quantum physics, specifically fiber optic telecommunications. The fibers themselves are pretty classical, but the light sources used to send messages down the fiber optic cables are lasers, which are quantum devices.
This process is responsible for two of the letters in the word "laser," originally an acronym for "Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation." Any time you use a laser, whether indirectly by making a phone call, directly by scanning a UPC label on your groceries, or frivolously to torment a cat, you're making practical use of quantum physics.
Atomic Clocks and GPS
One of the most common uses of Internet-connected smartphones is to find directions to unfamiliar places, another application that is critically dependent on quantum physics. Smartphone navigation is enabled by the Global Positioning System, a network of satellites each broadcasting the time. The GPS receiver in your phone picks up the signal from multiple clocks, and uses the different arrival times from different satellites to determine your distance from each of those satellites.
This trilateration relies on the constant speed of light to convert time to distance. Light moves at about a foot per nanosecond, so the timing accuracy of the satellite signals needs to be really good, so each satellite in the GPS constellation contains an ensemble of atomic clocks.
These rely on quantum mechanics-- the "ticking" of the clock is the oscillation of microwaves driving a transition between two particular quantum states in a cesium atom (or rubidium, in some of the clocks). Any time you use your phone to get you from point A to point B, the trip is made possible by quantum physics.
Magnetic Resonance Imaging
The transition used for atomic clocks is a "hyperfine" transition, which comes from a small energy shift depending on how the spin of an electron is oriented relative to the spin of the nucleus of the atom. Those spins are an intrinsically quantum phenomenon (actually, it comes in only when you include special relativity with quantum mechanics), causing the electrons, protons, and neutrons making up ordinary matter behave like tiny magnets.
So any time you, a loved one, or your favorite professional athlete undergoes an MRI scan, you have quantum physics to thank for their diagnosis and hopefully successful recovery. So, while it may sometimes seem like quantum physics is arcane and remote from everyday experience (a self-inflicted problem for physicists, to some degree, as we often over-emphasize the weirder aspects when talking about quantum mechanics), in fact it is absolutely essential to modern life.
Semiconductor electronics, lasers, atomic clocks, and magnetic resonance scanners all fundamentally depend on our understanding of the quantum nature of light and matter. But, you know, other than computers, smartphones, the Internet, GPS, and MRI, what has quantum physics ever done for us?