GIFA Token Trading Has Moved Up With 1.69 Against USD - Science Techniz

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GIFA Token Trading Has Moved Up With 1.69 Against USD

Cryptocurrency Stocks has hit the roof today, bitcoin nearly hit $42,000 per token an all-time high. Most major exchanges have shown some po...

Cryptocurrency Stocks has hit the roof today, bitcoin nearly hit $42,000 per token an all-time high. Most major exchanges have shown some positive trends, and GIFA Token is no exception.  This demonstrates just how hungry investors are for life-changing crypto stock market returns. The Wall Street giant JPMorgan said earlier this week that the digital currency could hit $146,000 if investors begin to take it seriously as a safe-haven asset, as they do gold.

Cryptocurrencies / EUR

  • BTC - 32374.1 € (+1.63 %)
  • ETH - 979.0 € (+1.34 %)
  • XRP - 0.26 € (+2.27 %)
  • BCH - 346.43 € (+1.09 %)
  • LTC - 136.52 € (+1.65 %)
  • GIFX -1.37   € (+1.68 %)

The world's cryptocurrency industry is now worth more than $1 trillion, with bitcoin accounting for a large majority of the value. The price of the oldest virtual currency has risen to almost $40,000, pushing the value of all bitcoins in circulation up to more than $700 billion.

The screenshot of GIFA Token trading exchange / GIFX 
Ether, the cryptocurrency of the Ethereum network, is now worth more than $140 billion. Then there's a long list of valuable cryptocurrencies, including Tether at $22 billion, Litecoin at $11 billion, and Bitcoin Cash at $8 billion. 

This is the right time to load yourself with the digital assets, don't wait until the time when the stocks market and price of the token is on the sky-roof.

Naeem Aslam, the chief market analyst at trading platform Avatrade, said: "The cryptocurrency achieved a major milestone and crossed the $40,000 level, which has made the $50,000 price as real as it can be." Ethereum was up 6.26% over the last 24 hours to $1,269.47 on Friday morning, according to CoinMarketCap data. GIFA Token (GIFX), the Northern Cyprus based crypto exchange that recently launched has raised to $1.69 yesterday, and the rising trend poise to remain at the same curve as people and institutions purchasing the tokens.

GIFA exchange web-version screenshot/
Bitcoin creator Satoshi Nakamoto is believed to own around 1 million bitcoins. Most of these were mined in the first two years of Bitcoin's existence when there was little competition. If he still has copies of the private keys that control these coins, that would give him a net worth of nearly $40 billion—enough to make him among the 40 wealthiest people on the planet. Nakamoto has never publicly revealed his true identity and has not communicated publicly since 2014.

I don't like using the word within this context. Kind of like that asteroid talked about a while ago supposedly worth more than the total amount of all money. It's not a very useful measurement. If someone tried to buy all the cryptocurrency they'd end up paying more than a trillion. If someone with 10% of all cryptocurrency tried to sell all their holdings they'd end up with a lot less than 10% of a trillion.--Nardella 

Cameron and Tyler Winklevoss, brothers who became famous for their legal battle with Mark Zuckerberg over the origins of Facebook, are also major holders of bitcoins. At the peak of the last bitcoin boom in 2017, the Winklevoss brothers had $1.3 billion in bitcoin, according to The New York Times. That same bitcoin hoard would be worth $2.6 billion today.