How I Made 700,000 LT In Just Four Months With Bitcoin - Science Techniz

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How I Made 700,000 LT In Just Four Months With Bitcoin

This is my car BMW X6. I photographed it the first day I bought it. / Burcu Zeynep Demir Do you have enough money? Do you have everything yo...

This is my car BMW X6. I photographed it the first day I bought it. / Burcu Zeynep Demir
Do you have enough money? Do you have everything you dreamed of? Are you satisfied with your life? If your answer is 'Yes' then close this page without wasting your time.

Those who answer 'no' can continue reading. I will tell you how you can quit your tedious job and earn between 1,000 and 1,500 lira in just 2 days, without leaving your home. I have been successful and you can do it if you want! Sharing my secret with you does not hurt me, I will only change the lives of some of you forever and allow you to finally be free economically.

First of all, let me talk a little bit about myself. My name is Burcu Zeynep Demir. I am 26 years old, my hometown is Istanbul, and I am an ordinary girl from an ordinary family, my situation cannot be called 'well off' in any way. I am the child of a middle-aged family. Mom is a nurse in a clinic, and dad is a truck driver

When I was little, my mother would cook meals in the cheapest way to earn a living, and wait for others to be given smaller ones for my clothes. If we were lucky, we would find the money to go to our village for a vacation. Our holiday was spent in the village. We can even go to Fethiye every 3 or 4 years.

When I graduated from high school, I never thought of going to university. I was supposed to provide financial assistance for my family (they had already retired) Of course, I had to support myself. So I found a job and started to work as a sales assistant, I was getting around 600 Lira per month. For someone living in Turkey in 2008, unskilled fared even better job. I also had insurance.

I was barely making money to support my life, but my dream was to buy a new car BMW X6. I knew it was very expensive and probably for my whole life I would have to save money or pay on a loan. However, this was not something I cared about. After all, it was my dream and dreams wouldn't come true in just a day or two. At least then I was thinking that way ...

Economic difficulties I was choking me live my life then everything began to rise in price along with inflation, Turkey has become more difficult. People were very complaining, but I knew I had to keep working.

I continued to work for 3 more months, but the store where I worked went bankrupt and I was left in the middle. I had no job, no savings; all I had was my family's pension as a bird. These were very unhappy times. I desperately started looking for jobs online, but after almost two months of struggling, I had nothing.

Two more weeks passed and as I was about to lose all hope I came across a web page. This page was telling the story of a man who earned 30,000 Lira from the Internet by sitting in front of his computer at home without ever going out. He said he was trading with the Bitcoin Circuit . I was dizzy. Perhaps it will come once in my life and it was the opportunity I have been looking for for a long time.

In the beginning, I hardly understood anything, but I researched it further. I looked through websites, forums, blogs and other resources on the topic. Eventually, everything became more understandable. I was feeling so happy that I even remember this now. It was exciting to think that now I have mastered this business and could start making money online.

At this point, let's take a break from my story because I want you to understand what I'm talking about. I'll brief you on what it's like to trade so you don't have to review tons of websites like I did. Your time and effort will remain with you.

Trading is a groundbreaking way to make money in the financial markets that are clear, fast, and hugely profitable. You probably know that financial markets are a medium where currencies such as dollars, euros or pounds are bought and sold 24/7 without going on vacation and without interruption. After opening a free account on any of the trading sites (a broker site), what you need to do is determine your investment amount and predict which direction the price will go in minutes or hours.

You have only two options: High or Low. High or Low. Your transaction can be between 1 minute and 3 hours (this is called the end time), and you can choose the time you want within this range. If your prediction is correct, your investment amount will almost double; If the forecast is wrong, of course, you will lose the amount you invested.

So if you follow the steps I'm going to tell you, it's actually a pretty good job. This is called "investment" and people working in this way are called "investors". As an investor, you can work anywhere and anytime, you just need a computer and a decent internet connection. As you can see, everything is clear, even a 10-year-old can understand how things work. After I learned fully about this process, I was so excited that I wanted to put what I knew into practice immediately.

I opened a free account on the Bitcoin Circuit site. This was the broker used by the man whose story I read earlier. Then I realized that it is truly one of the best trading platforms on the internet. As soon as I opened my account, my demo account was deposited with $ 10,000. This was very useful in the trial and practice process. Moreover, it was completely free.

So I started trading my virtual currencies and in one hour it was $ 11,000 in my account. Of course, these were just virtual currencies, I was after real money. Of course, this is not possible without a deposit. With Bitcoin Circuit , this is easy because you have multiple deposit options including common credit cards (Visa or MasterCard) and digital wallets.

I deposited my deposit using my old Visa card I bought while working at the store that day. I decided to invest a small amount in the beginning. This is one of the biggest advantages of the Bitcoin Circuit , you can start investing for as little as $ 10! This was a number that even I could risk at the time.

It had only been an hour since I started trading when I saw my account rise to $ 64. This was incredible !! My heart was beating like it was about to be displaced, I couldn't breathe! Wow! All I can think of is this! THAT WAS THIS JOB !!

I couldn't sleep all night and when I checked out the next day I had $ 197 in my account. YES, you heard it right; one hundred ninety-seven US dollars !!! Only with the $ 10 I deposited the day before. I couldn't believe it !!! I could sit at my computer forever, but now I had to sleep. My eyes were closing when I was going to my bed.

We got up around midnight and checked my first job account. $ 197 still stood there. So I thought it wasn't a dream! The next day I was at the computer all day and by midnight I had $ 773 in my account !!! I think I will always remember this number, it was a very serious success for me.

Look now, $ 773 - $ 197, that's $ 576. This was the money I made in 12 hours. I have never earned such a figure in less than a day! Before I went to bed that night, I sent a withdrawal request of 3,700 Lira to my Visa card. Before I went to sleep I was still trying to figure out if this was all true ...

As soon as I woke up in the morning, I checked my bank account. There was a notification on my account saying that 3,700 Lira was transferred to my account. 3,700 Lira !!! It was in my bank account !!! The previous day, when I made my payment over the phone and paid the Bitcoin Circuit , it was about 50 Liras. But now - 3,700 Lira ... it worked !!! It was a wonderful day, at least one of the best days I've had in recent years.

The next week, I made more than 32,000 Lira, within 2 months, another 150,000 Lira in the next two months, around 485,000 Lira, and finally I managed to buy a brand new BMW X6 for 700,000 Lira. My dream car, that dream I almost forgot ...Yes, to get a car loan I had to take up to 215,000 lira, we thought it was too expensive car in Turkey, but it can point my winnings with bi overcomes these amounts. I knew that I could easily repay in a short time.

Now as I write this article all my memories have come to life again ... How did I achieve this? The answer is simple: I believed myself! First, I got an opportunity, then I believed that I would make money like the man I saw on that page. That's all!

So you have to believe in yourself that you can do this. This is very important because you cannot achieve anything without this mindset. You can never succeed! If you don't believe in yourself, you start to think that you are wasting the best moments of your life. And you are right, this is what will happen if you keep thinking that way. If you are hopeless, have no faith in anyone or anything, you miss the opportunity of your life.

Keep your eyes peeled as if such an opportunity will appear at any moment. Maybe someone will offer you this opportunity, or maybe you will find it in an article on the internet ... You can come across this opportunity anywhere! Try to evaluate these possibilities, they are for you! In the end you will surely succeed !!!

For some reason I always believed that I would have the car of my dreams. And indeed I got my car! I didn't save money, just bought it. Because I was making enough money. I had been an inexhaustible source of income, let alone being exhausted, it is a resource that is multiplying every minute! Moreover, while earning these money, I did not have to deal with my boss or work long hours without sitting down, as I used to. Now I make more money in a day than I make in a month. I was feeling freer than ever !!!

Was this a miracle? Maybe. Still, that happened, so everything was real. I read an article, believed in myself and decided. This is my success story!