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Namibia: HTTPS Is Here!

The 164-million dollar High-Tech Transfer Plaza Select (HTTPS), in collaboration with MTC, was officially inaugurated by the Vice-President ...

The 164-million dollar High-Tech Transfer Plaza Select (HTTPS), in collaboration with MTC, was officially inaugurated by the Vice-President of Namibia, HE Dr. Nangolo Mbumba. The HTTPS is an inviting space where the generation of new knowledge, technology transfer and inventions will contribute to the socio-economic development of Namibia.

Through a 51-million-dollar partnership, NUST and MTC have undertaken thirteen research projects under an existing 5-year Memorandum of Understanding. The majority of these multidisciplinary projects are in collaboration with the Faculties of Computing and Informatics; Health and Applied Sciences; and Engineering.

“MTC has agreed to invest into continuous research and innovation in order to participate in developing fit for future technology solutions. Most notable, is this smart partnership with NUST, which has seen the start of a roadmap towards a new multidisciplinary technology culture and interactive curricula accelerating innovation and helping deliver solutions to pressing social challenges in Namibia,” Managing Director of MTC, Dr Licky Erastus said. Dr. Mbumba expressed his satisfaction with the HTTPS, which will facilitate the co-creation and co-development of opportunities in the digital economy through research and development.

“It is imperative for Namibia to optimise its ability to compete for global investment, attract global talent, retain Namibian talent, and encourage the development of great ideas in Namibia that have global potential and impact. Today, we are celebrating innovation. Taking hands with NUST and MTC. Innovation and the 4th Industrial Revolution are also Government imperatives and a continuum that starts with research and invention and continues through the translation in economic and societal benefits,” he emphasised.

HTTPS ecosystem

Standing six-stories tall, this state-of-the-art building has over 200 parking bays and more than 100 offices. The HTTPS can also facilitate large and small group meetings, and is equipped with technologically advanced video conferencing rooms and presentation rooms, making for a fascinating work environment.

NUST Vice-Chancellor, Dr Erold Naomab, explained that the HTTPS is distinctly different due to its size, and the intensity and scale at which technology transfer will happen. “It is noteworthy that technology transfer usually happens at a smaller sporadic scale within isolated technology transfer or research and innovation offices in universities or the industry. Therefore, the HTTPS is not an office, nor a building, but it is an ecosystem that brings various technology actors together irrespective of size or the type of sector,” he explained.

Meeting Goal 9 of the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals

Minister of Higher Education, Technology and Innovation, Hon Dr Itah Kandjii-Murangi, highlighted that the inauguration of the HTTPS facility addresses Goal 9 of the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals. “The HTTPS speaks directly to the fostering of innovation through the transfer of technology and knowledge between higher education Institution, business and various development partners. The aim is to ensure that technological and scientific developments are available to a wider audience. This anchors the University as a vital centre of competence to assist in tackling social challenges and drive economic growth,” she elaborated.

HTTPS projects

Specific projects to be undertaken within the HTTPS will be based on cutting-edge digital technologies such as the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), Cyber Security, X Reality, Big Data Analytics and Artificial Intelligence, Autonomous Robotics, and Edge Computing.