ALERT: Fake Websites Imposing As GIFA Token - Science Techniz

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ALERT: Fake Websites Imposing As GIFA Token

A screenshot is taken from the impersonating website of GIFA Token's platform. The security team has detected a serious loophole that co...

A screenshot is taken from the impersonating website of GIFA Token's platform.
The security team has detected a serious loophole that could have let cyber thieves trick users into thinking they were on GIFA Token website.

The detection involved 3 websites that exploit and took advantage of the GIFA Token web theme's architecture and other credentials that make these fake websites appear to be legitimate and look identical to the GIFA Token's website.

The difference is that these are just simple landing pages, bought and deployed in one day.  The matter has been reported to ICANN and other various cyber security organizations as well as the browser makers including Google with a move possibly to remove those questionable sites.

For security reasons, however, we are not obliged to disclose the URLs of these 3 imposers' websites at this early stage while there is an ongoing investigation digging to find who is the owner(s) that created those imposing sites that inflicting GIFA Token brandmark. Crypto scammers are hard at work, day and night trying to impersonate, implicate or collude most businesses to lure customers to their malicious sites. 

It's not only GIFA Token being targetted in this type of online hoaxes even the world's leading crypto exchanges like Binance, and Coinbase also suffered in a similar way or another, especially when it comes to hacking attacks.  It’s really worth asserting that users must always do their due diligence and double-check before taking action to avoid falling prey and losing money.

Beginners and gullible users are most prone to be victims, they might fall for it easily thinking it is indeed GIFA Token website. Fake websites that mimic real crypto websites are on the rise, luring crypto traders into fake investments. By using fake credentials, criminals could have created a website that purported to be part of the crypto industry while violating the true identity of the rightful company.

The fake sites have been traced back to ThemeForest, the eCommerce company that sells website templates and mistakenly issued them to cybercriminals. We have made effort to contact ThemeForest, and they said ''there is no evidence to prove or deny that ThemeForest templates and data had been used by the by cybercriminals for dishonest activities. One of the support members from the ThemeForest, who declined his name to be made public said the company is in business and has the right to serve any customer who wants to buy the web themes.

Last year, GIFA Token website was cloned by scammers and used, according to Science Techniz the cyber thieves used the domain name that almost resembles GIFA Token's domain name and the registration was set to expiry on 24 - 06 - 2022, which means if it was not removed from the net up to now it could scam more people and damage the good reputation of the company.

This fake site was reported to theInternet Crime Complaint Centerand other security entities and on 30th July, Friday 2021 the site was abruptly taken down.

The GIFA Business Group has confirmed the incident with a statement published by the Yeni Bakis Gazetesi on 29 July 2021 stating that the GIFA Holding Chairman of the Board, Mr. Yusuf Kısa, warned the GIFX community and everyone to be aware of these fake imposters.

The screenshot of after being suspended and later removed for security and data violation / Science Techniz.
Mr. Kısa said that; ''WhatsApp number (+90548) 8342352) was used on the fake site, which registered in TRNC ''. He added again that ''some pictures and information belonging to GIFA Holding Ltd were also used on the fake site, therefore our company is not responsible for that or if there is any illegality."

As GIFA Token surges in demand and popularity, so do the online scams that are on the raise targeting the fast-growing crypto exchange.  It's not the first or second-time fraudsters creating fake sites using the company's data and information such as logos, etc — they did it in the past!

The danger posed by the scammers could then have staged a man-in-the-middle attack to target users' devices, phishing emails, and tracking the online activity so that later cybercriminals can pose as a company. By doing this they could have harvested enough data and more potentially sensitive information such as wallet addresses, passwords, and seed keys of GIFA Token users.

How to avoid scams

Scammers are using various tactics and tricks such as cryptojacking, XSS attacks, and sending compromised links to users leading them to click on and be redirected to the scam sites where further malware will be installed automatically into users' web browsers and mobile phones to able steal passwords and login details saved in the browsers. Cybercriminals also utilize online public platforms, forums, social media, etc.

The best way to avoid a scam site is to manually type the URL address to the site you want in your browser's address bar and don't let the browser save your password. If frequently you visit a certain site, you can create a shortcut or bookmark on your browser's toolbar to help you prevent being redirected to online scams when randomly searching the net.

''We are trying to protect our investors at all costs''

GIFA Token is constantly advising users and investors to take precaution measures whenever browsing on the net, firstly you must identify if a website is legitimate or not. If you come across suspicious activities, agents, or sites that purport or claim to act on the behalf of GIFA Token or the company, please report them to the company before taking any action.


Take note that GIFA Token will never conduct business through social media and the customers who need assistance should always make use of the official contact details provided, which you can find on the GIFA Token's website, or make an appointment to pay a visit to the headquarter. 

Finally, users should exercise some level of precautions when investing, trading crypto, or interacting with their digital wallets, you should always exercise due diligence to prevent yourself from being subject to scams, hacking, and other online spurious activities.