GIFA Token Is Back Online After Updates - Science Techniz

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GIFA Token Is Back Online After Updates

GIFA Token’s website and app are up and running again after updating, which left the fastest-growing crypto exchange shut down for maintenan...

GIFA Token’s website and app are up and running again after updating, which left the fastest-growing crypto exchange shut down for maintenance and core upgrading.

According to the news released on Tuesday morning, it said “Our online crypto exchange and all mobile Apps are now up and running as usual. Our technical teams have been working around the clock to restore the service, and we’re really sorry to our loyal customers for the inconvenience caused.”

GIFA Token’s support team said earlier that all customer data and assets are safe and sound. GIFA Token users can now able to access their accounts without any problem. If you find that you can't log in to your account that requires a username and password, follow the simple steps described below: 

Clear all cookies

  1. On your mobile phone or computer, open the browser.
  2. To the right of the address bar, tap More and then Settings.
  3. Tap Privacy and Security. Clear browsing data.
  4. Choose a time range, like the Last hour or All time.
  5. Check Cookies and site data and uncheck all other items.
  6. Tap Clear data to reset the browser.

The cookies and temporary data cache stored on your computer may be causing the sign-in problem. Delete them, then test for accessing again. Any user still experiencing login issues should try to clear all cookies and the cache in the browser as described above. 

This will remove all your stored cookies and essentially logs you out of all auto-saved sessions and reset all websites. You can also reach out to the GIFA Token's customer support at for assistance.